Not Tomorrow, But Today ... 2014-2015

Episode 20: Rim Today Dedication • Spring Assembly 2015

Our Rim Today family from the Senior Assembly. Thank you to Mrs. Urbz, ASB, Cody Williams, Yearbook Staff and Kristil, the Admins, and our fans! What a special time.

Chloe Archambault,
Jackie Melendez,
Summer Foerch,
Bailey Black

TK, Cody, Urbz

Embedded Highlights:
Cody Williams


The Surprise:
Mrs. Urbz

Special Thanks:
Kristil Cobb & Yearbook
Mrs. Stephanie Phillips
Mr. Scott Craft & ASB
Tanner Shupe, Cassie Burns
Cody Williams, RHS Admins
and the Urbz family!