Rim Today returns for the new school year with LOTS of rookies. Learning on the fly is the only way to “get it.” We still have quite a bit to work on, but we have gotten started. Until next week...
Opening: Charlie Bramlett, Kyle McNeill, Toni Haggard, Zach Moran
Intro Graphics: TK Crossno, Cody Williams
Anchors: Kyra Grey, Cameron Walker, Cody Williams, Patrick McKuin, Ben Brown
Weather: John Baldwin, Patrick McKuin, Cameron Walker
Sports: Toni Haggard, Morgan Lester, Chris Richter, Callie D’Ambroso, Koral Porter, Reina LeBrun, TK, Autumn Raymond, Cameron Walker
Freshmen: Katrina Williams, Kyle McNeill, Leah, Ashley, Nick, Evan
Mr. Hill: Ben Brown, Zach Moran